This generic article on Delay and Compensation mechanism in SPAT Revolution covers the basics, while this specific article Reporting delay for compensation in Pro Tools goes into the details of it. While latency is well handled by Pro Tools when routing to actual audio devices, when using the FLUX:: Local Audio Path mechanism (LAP) some use cases may require specific attention to delay compensation. In some workflows, we need to make sure that the latency (produced by some processing plugins) on the audio track /objects sending to SPAT Revolution are properly compensated. Other high channel-count audio interfaces.AoIP (AVB, AES67, Dante), MADI, Soundgrid.In each case, we are looking at using SPAT Revolution with a Pro Tools environment to render, highlighting the need for audio routing and good practice to maintain synchronization. We are in an in-line workflow where Pro Tools audio tracks (audio objects) are being rendered by SPAT Revolution, which in return is outputting to an audio system.

For example, such a bed can later be declared as the channel base 7.1.2 beds to a Dolby workflow. Only a selected portion of the mix is being rendered by SPAT Revolution (such as if you are creating some bed elements in SPAT Revolution (Stereo, 7.1 or 7.1.2) for a much larger session).The actual spatial mix of all the Pro Tools audio tracks (audio objects) is rendered in SPAT Revolution, and the resulting stream(s) (the renders) is returned to Pro Tools for monitoring and bouncing.This article will examine the basics of using SPAT Revolution with a Pro Tools workstation, which has been updated using the most recent features of Pro Tools.